Monday, July 4, 2011

Player Animation Is Here

Hey guys it's been a few days since my last post, but I've been busy adding in one of the last things before my very first release of my game, player animation! I've been busy getting the game ready for it's first release and am pleased to announce that I now have a player in the game instead of just a rectangle.

I will say here that the sprite that I currently have in the game is just a dummy sprite I made for an rpg I was making and will definitely not be the final version of what the player will look like. I'm also including a poll on the blog for some names for the game to see what the popular choice will be for a name.

As for what I did to include player animation, I used a modified version of Nick Gravelyn's AnimatedSprite class and FrameAnimation class in his Tile Engine series for my game. I will likely have to modify those classes even further as the game progresses, but for now it works and that's good enough for me.

The features that you have to look forward to in the first build are,

  1. Basic mining and placing of blocks
  2. Basic inventory that shows the blocks the player has mined (scrollable)
  3. Random map and terrain generation with basic caves
  4. Player sprite with walking animations
  5. Dirt and Rock blocks

I would like to say 'Thank You' to everyone who reads this blog and I hope that you find my game entertaining. I am very excited about where this game can go in the future and look forward to hearing what you guys think of it as well.

Thanks again,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is looking amazing!
    Good job! I look forward to the public release!!
