Monday, July 18, 2011

Thoughts on the Future of Prospectus

Hey guys it's been a few days now since I released the first Alpha of Prospectus and I must say 'Thank You'. I've seen a great response from you, the community, toward my game and I'm very excited about the future of this game. I've been working hard on adding in new features to the game to make it feel more like a game than just a blank sandbox world and I will be posting on here my updates as I make them.

I am also working very hard to come up with an effective way to make the newer versions of Prospectus automatically download and update your installed version, without requiring you to manually install them each time. I really appreciate everyone who has visited the Prospectus website and I would love to hear any feedback you may have at

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with that release agent. I'm interested in seeing your implementation.

